For 25 years, Space Ibiza has been the world’s most respected nightclub. Consistently hosting the most popular nights on the...
This man needs little introduction: His bear-like apperance, the huge smile with its iconic tooth gap and his ravenous charisma...
It was a true ‘Only at Space’ moment: This summer on the 13th of July, Space’ 25th anniversary party, the...
Here’s to Space‘ 25th anniversary season! The iconic opening, the ritual that starts every year’s season in the best club...
‘Oh yes, oh yes – Space Ibiza, fantastic, fantastic!’ – Carl Cox fasst seine bisherige Ibiza Saison eigentlich selbst ganz...
Letzen Sommer auf Ibiza sahen wir David Moreno live von den besten Ibiza-Parties mit international renommierten Künstlern wie Richie Hawtin,...
Every year before the season starts clubbers around the globe are chasing the news to find out any behind-the-scenes details...
Ibiza, Spain! Unsere Füße fangen an zu wippen bei dem Gedanken an den Sound des vergangenen Sommers und das spektakuläre...
In 2011 commenced with their first survey covering the broad field of electronic music, calling it ‘The Poll...
Mr. Wally Lopez ist der nächste Dj, welcher die Ehre hat eine Global Underground Compilation zu mixen. Neben Tracks von Künstlern...